Sharing Screen

Referral Campaign Sharing Screen

The sharing screen appears once the user logins into the REFERRAL campaign. The screen enables him to refer to the brand with his friends or acquaintances so that he could earn points and rewards for referring. Here is a detailed guide to know how to launch the sharing screen in InviteReferrals.

Pass User Details for Auto-Login (Single Sign In)

InviteReferrals.userDetails((String)name, (String)email, (String)mobile, (int)campaignID, (String)subscriptionID, (String)customValues, successCallback);


InviteReferrals.userDetails("Neeraj", "[email protected]", "9897730919", 0, null, null, this.callback);
Note:- success and error callback functions are like this. 
    alert(“success msg= ”+ msg);
    // invitereferrals.inline_btn(0);

Parameters :

name (string)customer's nameeg. tom
email (string)customer's email id
mobile (string)customer's mobile number


You will get a response in terms of success or failure.

In case of SUCCESS :


In case of FAILURE

{"Authentication":"fail","Error":"Invalid authentication","ErrorType":"4"}

Following are the error-type with error message we receive in this callback in failure response.

Error MessageError TypeScenario
Data not found2In case when data not found
Campaign data not found3In case campaign is InActive or no campaign found
Invalid authentication4Invalid authentication
No internet connection7Parameter missing, email id or mobile no as per IR account setting cannot be empty or null
No internet connection8No internet connection

Launch Referral Campaign Screen

Add the following line in your custom button click. Replace CampaignID with the id of the referral campaign. Default campaignID will be applied if no campaignID is specified.



//Note:- Passing  0 in campaign id will launch your default campaign in your panel (A campaign id must be set as default campaign to use this feature).

Show Refer a friend Popup

Simply, add the following line in the activity in which you want to show the referral program popup.




Close Button Listener for Referral Screen

Trigger this callback whenever the referral screen of the SDK is closed using the CLOSE button in the actionbar. Here, you can perform any task on the close of the referral screen. For example, any alert or any popup.


Get Sharing Details

This function can be used, in case you want to design your own custom sharing screen, using our sharing data.

Invitereferrals.getSharingDetails((String)name, (String)email, (String)mobile, (int)CampaignId), callback);


Invitereferrals.shared.getSharingDetails( "Neeraj", "[email protected]", "0987654321", 0, this.funSuccess);

Sample Response

   "Email":"[email protected]",
   "popup_shareText":"Refer and win #Referral #Contests #inviteReferrals",
   "shareSubject":"Explore Tagnpin Referral Contest",
   "inviteMail":"<table>\r\n    <tr>\r\n        <td>Hi,<\/td>\r\n    <\/tr>\r\n    <tr>\r\n        <td><\/td>\r\n    <\/tr>\r\n    <tr>\r\n        <td>Your friend Jack90, has invited you to try Tagnpin through his referral link<\/td>\r\n    <\/tr>\r\n    <tr>\r\n        <td><\/td>\r\n    <\/tr>\r\n    <tr>\r\n        <td>Accept the invitation by clicking the link mentioned below.<\/td>\r\n    <\/tr>\r\n    <tr>\r\n        <td>https:\/\/\/c\/i\/27894\/59810136<\/td>\r\n    <\/tr>\r\n<\/table>",
   "whatsp_txt":"Refer and win #Referral #Contests #inviteReferrals",
   "shareText":"https:\/\/\/c\/i\/27894\/59810136 Refer and win #Referral #Contests #inviteReferrals",
   "email_shareText":"https:\/\/\/c\/i\/27894\/59810136?r=email <table>\r\n    <tr>\r\n        <td>Hi,<\/td>\r\n    <\/tr>\r\n    <tr>\r\n        <td><\/td>\r\n    <\/tr>\r\n    <tr>\r\n        <td>Your friend Jack90, has invited you to try Tagnpin through his referral link<\/td>\r\n    <\/tr>\r\n    <tr>\r\n        <td><\/td>\r\n    <\/tr>\r\n    <tr>\r\n        <td>Accept the invitation by clicking the link mentioned below.<\/td>\r\n    <\/tr>\r\n    <tr>\r\n        <td>https:\/\/\/c\/i\/27894\/59810136<\/td>\r\n    <\/tr>\r\n<\/table>",
   "whatsapp_shareText":"https:\/\/\/c\/i\/27894\/59810136?r=wa Refer and win #Referral #Contests #inviteReferrals",
   "sms_shareText":"https:\/\/\/c\/i\/27894\/59810136?r=sms Refer and win #Referral #Contests #inviteReferrals",
   "twitter_shareText":"https:\/\/\/c\/i\/27894\/59810136?r=tw Refer and win #Referral #Contests #inviteReferrals",
   "linkedin_shareText":"https:\/\/\/c\/i\/27894\/59810136?r=li Refer and win #Referral #Contests #inviteReferrals",
   "pinterest_shareText":"https:\/\/\/c\/i\/27894\/59810136?r=pi Refer and win #Referral #Contests #inviteReferrals",
   "fb_shareText":"{\nfbLink= https:\/\/\/c\/i\/27894\/59810136?r=fb Refer and win #Referral #Contests #inviteReferrals\n fbImage= https:\/\/\/tagnpin-mumbai\/images\/fb_46287_27894_1.jpg\n}",
   "loginScreenData":"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"https:\/\/\/bootstrap\/3.3.5\/css\/bootstrap.min.css\"><style>body{background: transparent;}<\/style><div class=\"text-center\">\n    <h3><br \/>Heading<\/h3>\n    <p class=\"lead\">\n        The description of your referral campaign \n        <br>\n        comes here\n    <\/p>\n<\/div>",
   "shareScreenData":"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"https:\/\/\/bootstrap\/3.3.5\/css\/bootstrap.min.css\"><style>body{background: transparent;}<\/style><div class=\"text-center\">\n<h3><br \/>Heading<\/h3>\n<p class=\"lead\">The description of your referral campaign <br \/>comes here<\/p>\n<\/div>"